Sono Check (14-82110)
SonoCheck, a new test for monitoring the ultrasonic energy in ultrasonic cleaner used for reprocessing surgical instruments was successfully validated.
SonoCheck Validation Test
1- Place the Sonocheck in an empty ultrasonic basket and place the basket in the ultrasonic cleaner. Degas the bath and turn on the ultrasonic cleaner in accordance with the ultrasonic manufacturer’s instructions .
2- Check the color of the reagent, visually. SonoCheck will indicate sufficient ultrasonic energy levels for cavitation by a color change from green to yellow caused by chemical reaction triggered by cavitation.
3- At the end of the cycle the vials are visually checked for the color change from blue- green to yellow indicating a positive result. NOTE: Strong ultrasonic energy can lead to a clear SonoCheck which is also a positive result.
4- The time needed for the colour change will give useful information regarding the level of ultrasonic energy.
5- Finally, the results (temperature and color change time) should be recorded in the SonoChecklog sheet.
SonoCheck Routine Test
During routine testing SonoCheck is used under regular conditions including the load. Different parameters (water level, degassing, load, generator output) may influence the quality of the process. To avoid problems during reprocessing and for having a pre-alarm test SonoCheck should be used at regular intervals. Depending on the volume of the bath a different amount of vials has to be used inside instruments.(small (1≤ 5 ), medium (15 – 20 ), large (1 ≥ 20)
Note: Do not use SonoCheck for washer-disinfector machines because of the high temperature during the drying cycle. Pay attention to the expiration date on the packaging label.
Storage: store Sonocheck-box in the fridge (4-8 °C). Do not allow it to freeze and keep away from sunlight, high temperature, and chemical agents.
Disposal: Sonocheck should be disposed of in a safety box container. because it contains glass.
Shelf life: 12 months after production